The blog will involve research and the presentation of materials in several formats addressing issues related to a forthcoming 282 Architecture Design Studio (in Spring). The studio will design accommodation for the PSU Social Practice Master of Fine Arts program. This program emphasizes community engagement through non-studio creative activities executed in the field.


Inter-Action Centre London - Cedric Price

The Inter-Action Centre is a multiple purpose community resources center providing a wide range of services. The complex is an extension of the work the Price was doing with the Fun Palace, where inbuilt flexibility or its alternative, planned obsolescense was part of the design process. The Inter-Action Center is similar in essence to the Pompidou Center, with the exception that the component parts are artless and cheap - on purpose. The idea was innovative, yet the architecture was casual. Price was seeking an architecture that was value-free.

Different components can be slid into place or removed; as is required by program and evolution. Shipping containers are used, as are manufactured houses, for classrooms, studios, workshops, eating facilities, etc.

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